HAYAGREV CIVIL ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED is a private limited company has been in existence since 2008 and prior to this we were backing with a decade experience and continues to go with in the industry and its expertise in engineering and technology on further enhanced by its strong professional management and continues to house the best in class of employees.
HAYAGREV is having its registered office at 20/584-1, Namaste Board Lane, Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, India and providing constructions services across India. So far we were provided and providing our services in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Gujarat and Jharkhand with over a decade of tradition in the field of construction.
HAYAGREV is a name that is woven in to the fabric of Thermal Power Projects structures of all kinds and particularly in Tall Structures such as NDCTs and CHIMNEYs.
HAYAGREV is not only the medium construction company, but can lay claim for the construction of 202 mtr height NDCT which is world’s biggest and tallest in its kind for Thermal Power Projects up to 800 MW capacity.
In addition to, as a builder to the nation, HAYAGREV has made concrete constructions by and constructing the following major structure
Natural Draught Cooling Tower (NDCT) package up to 202 Mtr height
RCC CHIMNEY package up to 275 Mtr height
Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) package
FGD Package
Coal and Coke Handling Plants/Systems Package
Silos Package
Tunnels, Conveyors, Silos, water pipeline projects
Water treatment plants
Up to 800 KV Substation
LPG Bottling Plant
Industrial Buildings
high rise overhead Service Reservoirs
Irrigation canals
As a Thermal Power Project works executing company, so far we have already executed 17 no. of NDCTs, 4 no. of 275 meter height CHIMNEYs, 7 no. of 275 meters CHIMNEY foundation rafts, Foundations of TGs, Cold water and Hot water pipe lines with encasement connecting to pump house to pump House and TGs. We have also constructed Dry Ash Silos up to height of 52mtr, Pump Houses, Fore Bay Connecting Channels, Chlorination Treatment Plant, Transformer yard, STG Building, Ash Silos and so many other Miscellaneous Project works for up to 800 MW Thermal Power Plants.
Apart from the above we have also constructed 2 no.of 220/400 KV substations for GE T&D India Limited (Formerly ALSTOM T&D India Limited and 1 no.of LPG Bottling unit for SUPER GAS.
We have also served to IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED for Road works at Tamilnadu.
Hayagrev Possesses the following major plants, machineries and equipment required for execution of various activities involved in construction of a project.
Tower Crane – Zoomlion make-Model No: T7020-10E with 174 Mtr HUH and 70 Mtr jib
Jump Form system – 1 set
Slip Form system – 3 set
Curved Passenger Hoist- SCQ 60-600Kgs Capacity Single Cage for a Height 180 Mtr
7 nos of Batching Plants including 2 no.of cement silos of 100 MT to 150MT
i) 1 no.of 60 Cum per Hr. M1 plant – Schwing Stetter make
ii) 4 nos of 30 Cum per Hr. CP-30 Batching Plants -do-
iii) 1 no.of 18 Cum per Hr. CP-18 Batching Plant- -do-
iv) 1 no.of 18 Cum per Hr. – Mecons Batching Plant
6 no.of Mini Batching Plants of Universal make
18 no.of Schwing Stetter make Transit Mixers fitted on Ashok Leyland Chassis
1 no.of Boom Placer of Hundai make
10 no.of of Schwing Stetter make Concrete Pumps in which 4 Pumps are having capacity of pumping up to height of 240 Mtr
6 no.of of own Excavators of L&T Komatsu make & 4 nos engaged on contract basis
10 no.of own Dumpers & 20 no’s engaged on contract basis
4 no.of FX 150 Hydra-ACE make
2 no.of of mini Tower Cranes
2 no.of of Wheel Loaders
4 no.of JCBs
30 no.of of Bar cutting and Bending Machines
45 no.of of Vibrating Earth Compactors
Survey Instruments such as Total Stations – 6 no.of and Auto levels of about 2 dozen
Tools & tackles, dewatering pumping systems, all safety PPEs and equipment, Ambulances, and medical camp facilities
1500 MT of Steel Scaffolding and Shuttering materials
Hutments For 3000 nos of workmen
Diesel Generators and required inventory of electrical equipment
In addition to above, we possess the construction tools and tackle for 7 various sites such as 7 to 8 dozen sets of Vibrators, enough needles in dozens, safety equipment for about 2000 workers, all electrical and water distribution systems, hutments for 3000 work men, all kinds of store materials and fuel storage facilities, repairing equipment etc. Our human resource capacity at any time will not be less than 2500 nos.
We can mobilize any kind of equipment and materials within no time since we are having the rich vendor relations throughout India.
16,00,000 cum PCC and RCC produced and placed
2,40,000 MT Reinforcement of steel and fabrication steel consumed in the projects.
7,00,000 MT cement consumed.
50,00,000 SQM of shuttering and Formwork made for structures.
75,00,000 cum of earth works in soils & soft rock.
6,00,000 cum of Hard rock with Blasting including under water area.
10,00,000 cum of Embankment work for Highways.
120 km of Laying of Rising main for drinking water supply.
350 km of distribution drinking water supply pipelines of 63mm to 300mm for covering 28 villages.
175 no’s Bore wells digging and provide motor connections.
2 MLD 2 no’s of each Rapid and slow sand filter water treatment plants.
1 MLD chloriflaculator for drinking water supply.
30 KM of road embankment along with GSB, WMM, WBM.
RCC Buildings and major godowns more than 10,00,000 SFT area.
So far Completed 500 Crores value of works.
Our Clients
Structures that stand out as living testimonies to the victory of man over nature structures conceived and built by minds in constant search of new methods, ideas, applications, and solutions. Because HAYAGREV believes that solutions will not be adequate for tomorrow.
This insatiable quest has led HAYAGREV to provide construction services to the following major companies.
SEMBCORP (formerly Thermal Power tech Corporation of India Limited)
Irrigation dept Govt of Karnataka (ALAMATTI LEFT BANK CANAL)
PWD Govt of Karnataka
KARNATAKA Integrated water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Project (KIRWS & ESP) under WORLD BANK Scheme Phase II, Govt of KARNATAKA.
Now as experienced in all factors with improved machinery and equipment and skilled & expertise human resource strength, we wish to expand our business in various infrastructural fields through entering in to the premier construction companies. The expanding list of satisfied silence reflects our ability to execute challenging projects.
Despite all odds, difficult whether has been deterrent to our team which has delivered consistently and brought accolades to the company. The high percentages of repeated orders stand testimony to this. We have achieved many milestones and broken many records.
Our Products
- NDCT Shell Under Construction
- Vijayawada Thermal Power Station Construction
- Cooling Tower Construction
- Kalisindh Thermal Power Station Construction
- Mettur Thermal Power Station Construction
- 275 Mts Height Chimney Construction
- NDCT Racker Columns & Ring Beam Construction
- Krishnapatnam Thermal Power Project
- APEPDCL Thermal Power Project
- NDCT Construction With Jump Form Method
- Mettur Chimney Construction
- Rajasthan Chimney Construction